No one can open the window of the American President’s car, only this person knows the secret

No one can open the window of the American President’s car, only this person knows the secret

America is considered one of the most powerful countries in the world. That is why US President Joe Biden’s car is also one of the safest cars. Today we will tell you in which car US President Joe Biden travels and who knows about the windows and other things of his car. 

President’s car

The official car of US President Joe Biden is considered the safest. According to the information, this car made by the Cadillac company as a limousine is very strong and comes with advanced safety features. Due to which it is considered to be a much safer car than other cars around the world.

The name of this car

The US President’s car is called The Beast. Known by name. This car is made from armored grade steel. Due to which bombs and bullets become ineffective on this car. Apart from this, its doors are also so heavy that their weight is equal to the cabin door of a Boeing 757 flight. It is said that even if bullets are fired continuously on this car, the person sitting inside will remain safe. Apart from this, steel plate is used in its chassis. Due to which there is no effect of bomb blast from below. The tires of this car are also made in such a way that even after getting punctured, this car can be driven to a safe distance.

Interior of the car

Let us tell you that the car is completely safe not only from outside but also from inside. Four people can sit in this car. A partition made of strong glass has been provided between the driver and the cabin. Which can be opened only by the person sitting in the cabin. In case of emergency, two bags of the President’s blood group are also kept in this car. Apart from this, technologies like GPS tracking system and night vision are also provided in the car. Whenever the American President goes out of his country, this official car also goes with him.

Who can open this car?

American President The responsibility of security lies with the Secret Service. This is America’s special force. Let us tell you that these forces protect White House and the President’s family. Its agents always remain with the President like a shadow and keep an eye on everywhere. Only this special force has the secret address to open the President’s car and his official room for his security in the White House. 


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